
Monday, February 21, 2011

Pro-Life or Anti-Abortion

Ah, the abortion debate (or debacle)! The button issue created by the Christian right to fire up their base to try to slowly turn the U.S. into a theocracy and turn the clock back so women are once again second-class citizens. They claim to be 'Pro-Life'. Yet, I find that most are just 'Anti-Abortion'.

What, you say you are protecting the sanctity of life? Well, here area few simple questions to think about and to help determine where you or others stand:
  1. If fetus is 'life', should the mother be able to get free prenatal care, if she can't afford it, to ensure the health of the fetus/child?
  2. If the mother's life is in danger, should she be allowed to abort?
  3. -- If not, what if she has other children?
  4. -- Should her other children be forced to loose their mother by not being able to abort?
  5. Once the child is born, should the mother and child get free medical care, if they can't afford it, to ensure a healthy childhood?
If you answered 'No' to any of the above questions, you are just 'Anti-Abortion', not 'Pro-Life'. These questions can be expanded to include, but are not limited to:
  1. If approx. 45,000 people died each year from lack of medical insurance, should they get free medical care?
  2. With the U.S. having over 9100 (or 67% of all) murders by firearms in 2009, should we have more gun control to help save lives?
You can add other questions also: Old Age, War, etc. These all deal with 'Life'. Yet, it seems the so-called 'Pro-Lifers' think that these other preventable deaths are nothing more than mere statistics.

Oh, and if someone is thinking 'We believe in those things, but we just don't want the Government to intrude in- or control- our lives', then why is okay to have the Government control whether I can have an abortion or not?

Let's call this group by their proper name: 'Anti-Abortionists'.

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